This episode of “History from the Hills” was aired in January 2014 and featured Fort Canning, with the surrounding buildings, including Anglo-Chinese Primary School (ACPS).
Raymond Ang was an ACS old boy and attended ACPS at Canning Rise, ACS Secondary at Barker Road, and Anglo-Chinese Junior College at Dover Road. In the programme, he fondly recalls his time at ACPS and walks us down memory lane at the school (which now houses the National Archives of Singapore), and the surrounding Fort Canning area. His son is currently a student at ACSP.
His friend Karen Hoisington, also featured in the programme, is the granddaughter of Henry Martyn Hoisington, who was a former ACS student and later teacher at Anglo-Chinese School from 1909 to 1933. Significantly, he also composed the school anthem in 1926.
The recent film developed by Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) titled “Red Blue Gold Days of 1 Canning Rise’ also further explores the transformation of the old Anglo-Chinese School (Primary) into the current National Archives of Singapore (NAS), delving into the stories of its alumni and the vision of the architect behind its evolution. We are thankful that there is continuity through parts of ACPS still preserved in NAS and in the fond memories of our alumni while we embrace the change that is inevitable.
The ACS story is not complete without the participation and support of all stakeholders, especially parents and Old Boys. We count it a blessing to have supportive partners who believe in our cause and who partner us in our endeavours to prepare our young to face the future with confidence and hope. One such partner who has consistently supported our rugby boys is the Oldham Club - the sports and social/community outreach arm of the ACS Old Boys’ Association (ACS OBA). This video epitomises the ACS spirit of giving back to the school and the community. It also reflects our endeavours to help every ACSian to believe in himself.
The Best Is Yet To Be!