School Rules
Personal Conduct
A student’s personal conduct contributes to his success in school and to a conducive learning environment for all. Students are therefore expected to be on their best by showing respect to teachers, members of staff, fellow students, school property and activities. This expectation is reflected in the following code of discipline:
Attendance and Punctuality
- Punctuality and full attendance in class, at school functions and rehearsals, for extra lessons and CCAs - are expressions of being respectful and responsible to the school.
Morning Assembly and Taking Daily Attendance
- Students are expected to assemble quietly and in an orderly by class. Morning Assembly begins at 7.30 a.m. sharp Students who are not with their class by the time assembly begins will be considered late. Attendance at the daily flag raising ceremony is compulsory.
- Students who are Singapore Citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. They will take the Pledge with their right fist placed over their heart. On Mondays and Fridays, the School Anthem will be played prior to the recitation of the Pledge. All students are to sing the School Anthem.
- Should it rain or be hazey, an announcement will be made for students to assemble in class instead.
Absence from School
- A student who is absent must submit to his Form Teacher either a medical certificate or a letter of excuse from his parents/guardian on his day of return.
- Students who fail to produce these documents will be treated as playing truant
Absence from Assessments (Tests and Examination)
- If a student is unable to sit for any examination or other school-based assessments, the school requires a medical certificate from the doctor to excuse him for the day. His form teachers also need to be informed immediately.
Possession of Weapons
- All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring / make any weapon-like item which is used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
During Recess
- Students may buy and consume food and drinks only during recess, when the school is not in session or when special permission has been obtained.
- Food and drinks must not be taken out of the canteen.
- Students must queue to buy food.
- When consuming food, students should display good table manners by not throwing food scraps on the tables or floor.
- All utensils, crockery and trays must be returned to the collecting centre.
- Playing in the canteen is prohibited.
- Students should be considerate to the community at the Barker Road campus and must not play near the church, kindergarten, hostel and secondary school.
- No student is allowed to remain in any classroom during recess unless accompanied by a teacher.
- At the end of recess, students must proceed to their classrooms in a quiet and orderly manner.
General Behaviour towards Learning
- Successful students have a positive attitude towards learning and behave in a manner that maximizes their learning opportunities and that of their group members. Each student is to be responsible for his learning and be respectful of others and their property in the learning environment. Misbehaviour will not be tolerated and staff will apply appropriate disciplinary actions to ensure a safe and conducive learning environment.
Hairstyle and Fingernails
- Male students must be neat in appearance, clean-shaven and no facial hair is allowed.
- Hair should be short, properly combed and kept neat to present a smart appearance. It should be sloped and not touch the ears and the collar. The fringe should not fall on the forehead or touch the eyebrows.
- Extreme hairstyles, the use of hair colouring or hair gel are not allowed.
- Fingernails must be kept short and clean.
Personal Attire
An ACSian’s pride in the school is represented by his personal appearance. It is expected of all students always to be neat and proper in their appearance as a mark of respect for the school.
Wearing of Prescribed School Uniform
- Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
- Students are to attend school and school functions in the prescribed school uniform.
- The name tag must be sewn directly above the shirt pocket. Those with leadership appointments e.g. prefects, monitors, sports leaders and subject representatives must wear the badge above the name tag.
- No jewellery, talisman or any form of adornment is to be worn in school. If necessary, it must be kept in the wallet or pocket.
- The school tie must be worn by P5 and P6 students on Mondays. They are to wear it with their uniform - during lessons, from morning assembly till recess. In addition, they are required to wear their tie at all formal school functions.
- House tank tops must be worn during PE lessons.
- Corporate T-shirts may be worn on Wednesdays.
- Appropriate CCA attire may be worn on days when there are CCA meetings.
- All tops must be tucked into the school shorts. P1 and P2 students are allowed to wear Velcro-strapped white shoes. P3 to P6 students must wear white-laced white shoes. Shoes are to be white without other colours on them. Slippers, sandals and track shoes are prohibited for normal school functions unless permission has been granted.
Mobile Phone / Smartwatch^
^ refers to those that have similar functions as mobile phones.
The student must comply with the rules below; failure to do so might result in the removal of the student’s privilege to bring his mobile phone/smartwatch to school.
1. Only mobile phones/smartwatches that are registered with the school are allowed to be used within the school premises.
2. Registered mobile phone/smartwatch will be issued with a label by the school. The school has the right to prohibit the usage of any unregistered or unlabelled device.
3. The mobile phone/smartwatch must be switched off at all times and kept out of sight during all school activities (i.e lessons, chapel, recess, CCAs and excursions). No mobile phones/ smartwatches are allowed in the examination rooms.
4. The student must seek his teacher’s permission before using his mobile phone/smartwatch during school hours.
5. The student can only use his mobile phone/smartwatch solely for communicating with his parents / caretakers when allowed to during school hours, or after school hours.
6. The student is not allowed to use his mobile phone/smartwatch to take photos or video within the school premises. Gaming and surfing the internet are not allowed.
7. Students who fail to abide by the rules will have their mobile phones (including SIM card) /smartwatches confiscated. Confiscated mobile phones/smartwatches can only be collected by the students’ parents.
8. The school has the right to access the content of the mobile phone/smartwatch in the presence of the student if the school suspects that he has misused his mobile phone/smartwatch.
9. The school has the right to remove the student’s privilege to bring his mobile phone/smartwatch to school if he misuses his mobile phone/smartwatch within school premises.
10. A change in mobile phone/smartwatch will require a new registration.
11. The school will not be responsible for any loss or damage of the student’s mobile phone/smartwatch.
Early Release Request for Early Release from School
Pupils may seek for early release from school only for the following reasons:
- When he is not feeling well
- A special request from his Parent/Guardian
- Participation in Inter-School/National Tournaments and Special Duties
A Parent/Guardian must fill in the details and sign in the “Early Release From School” record book before the pupil can be released.
Early Release from School When Pupil Is Not Feeling Well
The pupil first seeks permission from his subject teacher in class. He will then be escorted to the General Office by the Monitor or by a fellow classmate assigned by the teacher. His parents will then be contacted. A pupil who is granted permission to leave school to seek medical attention is required to obtain a medical certificate dated on the day of his early release from school. The medical certificate is to be submitted to his Form Teacher when he returns to school.
Early Release from School by Special Request from Parents/ Guardian
Parents/Guardian must write to the Principal to ask for permission for the pupil to be released early from school. The school does not encourage medical appointments during school hours unless it is an emergency.