
Teachers in Charge |
Ms Jeannie Yeo (I/C) |
MON 14:15-17:15 WED 14.15-17:15 (SCHOOL TEAM) |
Ms Jessica Lai |
Ms Aubrey Ong |
Ms Patricia Lim |
Mdm Zhou Lingyu |
Ms Shariza Binte Shari (I/C) |
WED 14:15-16:15 (RECREATIONAL) |
Mrs Zahara Osman |
After a two-year hiatus, our Junior Team members were exuberant when they took part in the inaugural new format championship. Denson Sjahada Harjanto (P4B) and Evan Ng Zheng An (P4C) clinched the 1st place in the Tier 1 Doubles category. Our congratulations also go to our Senior Team, which was led by the Captain, Goh Jun De Pasith (P6D), for emerging 1st Runner-up in the Senior Division Championship.
The achievements of our school teams have always inspired the boys in the Recreation Team to work even harder for that coveted place to represent ACS (Primary). We thank God for His favour and blessing. Truly, To God Be The Glory. The Best Is Yet To Be!
Past Accolades
NSG Badminton Senior Boys 2022 – 1st Runner-Up
NSG Badminton Senior Boys 2021 – 1st Runner-Up