Track and Field

Teachers in Charge |
Ms Chan Wai Ying Elyse (I/C) |
MON 14:30 - 16:30 (School Team)
Mrs Neo Lin Li |
Mdm Suja Anbazhagan |
Mdm Vaishnavi |
Mdm Sarah Su |
Programme/ Development
The Track and Field is a sport which consist of various athletics events in running, jumping, and throwing. As students learn basic track and field skills, they are able to develop their motor skills in a safe and fun manner and learn to exhibit iHOPEFUL values in the process.
As students start out in the recreational team, they learn to build up their skills and will have to opportunity to join the school team to participate in various competitions.
National School Games
Past Accolades
6th in Senior 1 300m
7th in Senior 1 600m
3rd in Junior 2 Shotput
7th in Junior 1 Medicine Ball Throw(2kg)
8th in Junior 1 Overhand Beanbag Throw