Boys Brigade

Teachers in Charge |
Mr Adrian Kum (I/C) |
3E, 3F |
Mr Chan Tai Yao |
Ms Joanne Ong |
Programme Development
The BB aims to advance Christ’s Kingdom and the promotion of habits of obedience, reverence, discipline and self-respect. Activities include a fun camp during the June holidays, drills, community service activities, First Aid and knot activities. Boys are also given opportunities to participate in Brigade-wide competitions such as Character Quest and Adventure Quest. Pupils need not be a Christian to join.
Adventure Quest (only for the P6 Juniors)
Character Quest (for P3, P4 and P5 Juniors)
Past Accolades
JM Fraser Award of Excellence (Gold) for the past 10 consecutive years.
Best BB Junior Company (2019)
Philanthropy Award (Silver) Corporate Category (2019) by Children’s Cancer Foundation