Learning for Life (LLP)
Enhance student’s physical well-being, and develop in them a passion for sports and other physical activities.
The aim of the PE Department in ACS(P) is to equip all pupils with fundamental movement skills and games concepts which they can apply to any sport. It also aims to encourage all pupils to lead a physically active lifestyle right through to their adulthood.
Learning for Life Programme (LLP) – Building Character through Swimming
• The aim of this programme is for all pupils to achieve at least a bronze award and to learn the skills of flippa ball and kayaking.
• All P1 to P5 pupils undergo a 4-sessions and all P6 pupils undergo 8-sessions swimming programme during their PE periods.
• In addition, P4 pupils are also taught flippa ball and P5 kayaking lessons. Learning for Life Programme (LLP) - Building Character through Bowling
• Exposure Stage All pupils from P1 to P4 undergo four sessions of mini-bowling during curriculum time. At P2, pupils with bowling potential will be invited to join the Bowling (Development) CCA.
• Development Stage Pupils who have interest in bowling or have shown bowling potential during mini-bowling lessons may join the Bowling (Development) CCA, which trains every Friday.
• Elite Stage Pupils who display greater potential will be invited to join the Bowling (School Team) CCA, which trains every Wednesday and Friday. They will have a chance to represent our school in both National and International bowling tournaments. Programme for Active Learning (Sports & Games)
• The Sports and Games module aims to develop communicative skills and teamwork among P2 pupils through various enjoyable games.
Programme for Active Learning (Outdoor Education) • The Outdoor Education module emphasises on development of interpersonal skills, relationship management and responsible decision-making competencies for P1 pupils.
Annual Swim Meet & Games Day • The Swim Meet and Games Day is for all pupils from P3 to P6.
• These 2 events aim at mass participation and the pupils are encouraged to sign up.
TerrAqua Fest • This is a land-and-water games day for all P1 and P2 pupils with the aim of introducing friendly competition for young children.
• All P1 and P2 pupils take part in this event and all participants are awarded a medal.
Useful links
Useful sports information for children and parents: