Student Management Department
At ACS(P), we strive to provide a safe, caring and enabling environment for all students to learn, play and grow. This is achieved by having a consistent disciplinary framework, and at the same time,focusing on the well-being of our students by having a holistic peer support programme to strengthen the relationships between peers in the physical world as well as extending these skills and attributes in cyberspace. Last but not least, at ACS(P), every student is a leader and hence, there are ample opportunities for students to take on leadership roles.
The Student Management Department in ACS(P) focuses on the following domains:

Student Well- Being
The department looks into the well-being of our students and we believe that building healthy relationships is critical.
Supportive peer relationships form a critical part of the network of positive relationships in school. Peers are a significant source of support for most students. Every student is a peer supporter in ACS(P). To create a supportive and caring environment, students will be taught explicit skills to develop themselves as a peer supporter. Some of these skills include:
How to be a good listener
How to befriend their peers
How to be a better friend
Peer Support Leaders (PSL) are identified and trained to take on a leadership role in school and lead the peer support efforts in three main areas: peer bonding, peer helping, and peer influencing. They will also be supported by teachers in the Student Management Department.
Discipline Approach
We adopt a proactive and positive approach in managing discipline. Students learn well when there is order and discipline. At the same time, they need encouragement and space to learn from mistakes and improve. There are 3 aspects that the school focuses on:
● Promote and Prevent - The school strives to provide a safe and supportive environment through the building of strong teacher-student relationships and infusing peer support and social skills into curriculums as well as co-curriculum.
● Address and Correct - Despite preventive measures, students could still display inappropriate behaviours due to various reasons. Such offences are categorised as minor and major offences and consequences are meted out according to the level of offence.
● Replace and Restore - The ultimate goal is for students to develop self-discipline and good character. Teachers help misbehaving students to replace their inappropriate behaviours with prosocial, appropriate ones, and to restore relationships with others who are hurt by their actions.

Our tiered framework in supporting all students is shown below.

The school adopts a 3-tier leadership framework, namely Leader of Self, Leader of Peer and Leader of Community. At the first tier, every student is a leader of himself, where he is taught to be a responsible and independent learner. At the next tier, students are given opportunities in class to take on leadership roles such as subject representatives and monitors. They are trained to carry out their roles well and are given feedback by the respective teachers along the way. At the highest tier, students with potential and aptitude are selected to be Trainee Prefects or Peer Support Leaders and they have the opportunity to lead in their respective communities.